In 2024, we will focus on a topic that concerns us all. Environmental protection. Producing in China and protecting the environment at the same time seems contrary to some people. 
But it's not necessarily! The CO2 balance for our goods is better than is generally assumed. 

For most of our parts, for example, sea transport accounts for about 0.05% in contrast to production in Germany. We often overcompensate for this value with smart design and energy-saving manufacturing processes, which are rarely available in Germany.

Another aspect of global sourcing: Countries that trade closely with each other in a multisectoral manner are dependent on peace. The hurdles to waging wars are high.

CO2 Emission Kugelküken DN 100

  Fine Casting and machining in China Machining out of a tube in Germany
Raw material weight, kg/each 3,2 15,5
Net weight, kg/each 2,5 3,2
Cost estimation 28% 100%
Carbon footprint of raw material, kg CO2/each 14 85
Carbon footprint of manufacturing, kg CO2/each 11 4,3
Carbon footprint of transportation, kg CO2/each 0,101 16000 km by ship 0,046 300 km by truck
Carbon footprint of End of the product´s life, kg CO2/each 2,3 15,9
Total Carbon footprint kg CO2/each 27,40 105,20

Did you know, that the production of a Kugelkueken DN 100 in China consumes less CO2, than in Germany? 

Thanks to the fine casting process used, which is no longer practiced in Germany but in China, we can save 74% CO2, despite the transport route.

Admittedly, this is an extreme example and not a common one, but such a target can be achieved by us relatively often through eco-engineering and smart design.